Posted In Animals | 16th February 2019
Rhinos in the News
Births, Deaths & Notices
You may have seen our rhino deaths, births and notices in The Irish Sun this week. It shows the stark reality of rhino poaching and population loss, highlighting how sizeable the number of rhino deaths are annually.
In 2017 more than 1,000 of the total world population of 20,000 white rhinos were killed illegally in South Africa alone for their horns.

Rhino poaching has reached crisis point, and across the globe rhino habitat is shrinking. Today, three of the five species of rhino are Critically Endangered, meaning they face a high chance of extinction.
Rhino Facts:
- Today one rhino is killed every 8 hours – that’s nearly three rhinos poached every day!
- Rhinos were once found throughout Eurasia and Africa but their numbers have dropped dramatically due to human activities. Today very few rhinos survive outside protected areas.
- In recent years rhino numbers have dropped dramatically due to poaching for their horn which is prized in Asian countries. They also face threats from habitat loss and political conflict.
- Three of the five rhinoceros species are listed as being critically endangered.
- The Black Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros are all Critically Endangered which means they have 50% chance of becoming extinct in three generations.
- Rhino horn is the fourth largest illegal trade worldwide, worth $23 billion annually.
Dublin Zoo is proud to partner with the African-based Lowveld Rhino Trust, helping protect conserve and boost the white and black rhino population, one by one.
Dublin Zoo also participates in the European Endangered Species Programme established to assist with the survival of the southern white rhinoceros.
Dublin Zoo’s Newest Arrival
Every rhinoceros birth is incredibly important to the global population of rhinos and Dublin Zoo was proud to welcome a male southern white rhino calf late last year. The calf, who was born to mother Nyala and father Chaka, joins the herd of seven rhinoceros at Dublin Zoo. The new arrival to the rhinoceros herd marks another significant success for Dublin Zoo as part of the European Endangered Species programme.