Dublin Zoo has announced 25% off tickets purchased online* for Saturday, 20th and Sunday, 21st of May to celebrate Endangered Species Day. Over the weekend, visitors will have a chance to learn about the importance of supporting biodiversity, conservation and animal welfare while enjoying the family fun activities taking place.
To celebrate Endangered Species Day, over the course of the weekend (from 11am – 4pm), Dublin Zoo will have plenty of educational and fun-filled activities for all ages, including special keeper talks, arts and crafts, and face painting.
Visitors can book tickets here.
With one million species now considered to be threatened with extinction*, Endangered Species Day is a day for learning about wildlife, how to protect them and their habitats and the importance of saving species from extinction for our ecosystems. Endangered Species Day is marked annually on the third Friday in May, this year on the 19th of May.

Human activity has resulted in the extinction of over 800 species since the year 1500**, Dublin Zoo believes that one step to achieving a harmonious existence between people and nature is increasing awareness about biodiversity and conservation. Dublin Zoo aims to become a national focal point for species conservation in Ireland, and with over €1.25 million spent on conservation and research since 2009, working with conservation partners across 20 countries, Dublin Zoo has helped support the conservation of over 30 species in the wild.
Dublin Zoo is open seven days a week from 9.30am to 6.00pm.
*Source: 2019 report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) –
**Source: 2009 report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – https://www.reuters.com/article/us-wildlife-extinctions-idUSTRE56100F20090702.
***This half price offer is only applicable for tickets booked online. 25% off ticket offer applies to adult, child and family tickets only, discounted tickets, groups and concessions are not included. Not applicable at the gate.